Over the past week I’ve been participating in the NFT art scene. Mostly learning about myself through others art, thanking artists for sharing and genuinely wishing the best for the artists that move me.
Something I’ve noticed along the way is the vast degree of what people prefer or even love in terms of art. It’s one thing to assume I know this but it is another thing for me to witness it as it is happening. Artists from all styles and backgrounds receiving an immense amount of positive attention from the public that I haven’t seen before. Also negative things but this comes with change, transformation.
The majority of my time is spent observing this is on Twitter primarily which seems to be a hub at the moment for these mass communications. Some make it more personal by hosting their own Discord channel. Although people are scattered across all social platforms.
In terms of art platforms, I’ve been hovering around HEN(Hic et nunc) primarily. The art I enjoy I can find here, the prices are affordable for someone without much money to spend on art. Usually high priced artists will have a collection of affordable pieces here. It’s a great way for me to contribute to an artist of which I can’t afford their work. I can still look though!
Another way to contribute is just to share their work which makes sense. And the artists I’ve been attracted to are so nice to the public and highly grateful. It’s really a gift to be able to contribute and interact with an artist you respect and admire. I don’t expect this ever from others but receiving genuine positive energy is a great feeling. I trust you have something that does this for you in your life.
After hours scrolling through art work and reading posts there is a lot of noise. Just art to look through which isn’t for me and voices clamoring about… all the things. But also you become a little desensitized to the work unless something phenomenal stands out. But the context changes everything about the experience is really my point.
I find that once I learn more about the artist, do some research about their journey and learn their process and their perspective it adds significant value to my perception of the relationship. The contextual understanding of the artist and their vision brings clarity, tangibility… context.
This for me is the holy grail of enjoying art. I’m not an art collector, I’m actually used to creating more often than collecting. I’m an art connector 😉 Connecting with ideas, thoughts, feelings and at the heart of it people and myself.
Think about what it is that you are attracted to. If you changed the context, would it change what you like? Why?