One can create something if they have the correct pieces and tools to make it with. Blueprint/idea + ingredients/pieces + tools/two hands = Some thing.
There are only 12 notes in the western scale but we end up with many iterations of music using those same 12 notes.
I used to give up on songs because I would make up a song and then realize it’s the same chord progression from another song. The idea of replicating that song would deter me and I would scrap it. Strange sounding but this happens across all domains I believe. It was music in my case.
The wind would be taken out of my sails feeling that I haven’t made something unique.
But what makes something unique?
I’ve realized later that it is not the pieces but the wholistic experience that makes something unique. Just as the cosmos is made up of the elements on the periodic table we are all unique yet all connected.
This is why the saying it’s about the journey makes sense. Because every moment is unique that leads to what we label as an ending. But it never ends and every moment remains to be unique.
when creating something even a video when you have the same pieces as everyone else to work with?
So the next time you express yourself whether it’s music, picture, leading a team, helping a customer just remember that when we are ourselves we are creating something new under the sun. An experience that is unique to the moment. A moment that will add to the moments that make up the picture of life.
Be in the moment. Let your senses respond. Observe your own senses in the moment by simply feeling.
Be who you are and express something new under the sun.